I first heard Vincent on a different enteprenuership podcast I was trying out that didn't ultimately resonate with me. I am so grateful I did because the Total Life Freedom Podcast has been so useful to me as a small business owner. It is is worth every second of it's 5 mintue run time! Mainly it's helped reinforce that I am not alone as a small business owner and we all face the same issues and doubts. These things have been ingrained in us from a society designed on making us work for someone else. Vincent always has a thoughtful way at looking at daily life that lends a thoughtful lesson and betters one as an enteprenuer. I will occasionally listen to another prominent eneteprenuer's podcast and find him stretching so far backward to think differently from other people that his advice undercuts and provides too many asterics for it to be useful at all. Vincent's stories and advice are always straight forward and useable from the second the podcast is over. A must listen for any entrepenuer regarless of where they are in their journey.
April 21, 2022 by Ratdog83 on Apple Podcasts
The Membership Freedom Podcast